The transition from September to October is often marked by changeable conditions and this year proved no exception. One moment you’re riding in glorious sunshine, the next being soaked by a passing rainstorm. The Inters ride to Lilley on 28 September lived up to this pattern and some. When we gathered at Rothamsted for morning coffee we were able to sit outside, and the conditions only improved as we took a circuitous route to Lilley. Whenever a signpost beckoned the way to Lilley, Martin’s route capriciously turned the other way, but despite this we arrived at Lilley on time, just as the clouds were breaking and headed into the pub. As we tucked into excellent sandwiches and baked potatoes, we could see the rain rodding down. Poor Gary and Sue had to leave in the worst of it, but with no let up in sight the rest of us opted for a coffee.
Luckily our gambit paid off, the downpour eased and off we set. The easy riding down Lilley Bottom was accompanied by sun and showers – sometimes both together – creating a magical atmosphere, captured by Steve in the photo below.