It has been a welcome return to group riding since restrictions were eased and it is pleasing to report that our numbers have held up well. We have been joined by some new members and although some of our former regulars have not been out with the group, for health reasons, contact has been maintained and we know that they are out on lone rides or with one or two others. It is good to be able to say that our Section members have maintained their fitness during lockdown with some high mileages – a few did the Club LEJOG.

Like all Sections who ride early in the week, we have suffered from some big changes in the hospitality sector. Most of our lunch stops have been pubs but there has been a big increase in the number who do not now open on Monday or Tuesday, citing a combination of being unable to recruit staff and reduction in trade. Happily, the majority are still trading, just working on fewer days opening. 

In the previous paragraph, I referred to the hospitality sector. Sadly, in a small number of cases, café’s where we have traditionally met for elevenses, hospitality has not been their watchword. Needless to say, they no longer feature on our runs list!

In June, our Section Secretary – John Pritchard – organised a day with a difference, inviting as many riders as possible to join us for rides based on one of our regular haunts, Pear Tree Pantry. Three rides were on offer, each allowing time to get back for lunch and then do another ride before returning for tea. A good number turned up, including several non-members on what was a lovely day for bike riding. The day was made more enjoyable by the warm welcome we had from the staff at Pear Tree Pantry who had set out a separate area for us to use. 

As the Xmas lunch comes around we are all looking forward to our traditional lunch ride to Colne Valley Golf Club, especially after having cancelled last year. Now we can start looking forward to a new year and a full rides list ahead of us.