Another beautiful Tuesday morning, and only four at the fountain! Though myself, Mia, Ronnie and Lorraine (welcome back!) were soon joined first by Paul and then Alan, who had both been a bit tardy… – I was early for a change, even had an early coffee but took my phone into the repair shop and was late at the fountain- mad rush but joined them in Holwell.
En route for Barton we saw Geoff P cycling with the Bedford section heading for Clophill, I think they spotted us too;
but anyway, we arrived at the pub in good time, bang on midday, and were shortly joined by Mick C and his brother Pete who had ridden out independently. It was very pleasant sitting out in the garden (see pic) under the cherry tree, some of us taking advantage of the ripe cherries for pudding – delicious!
Worth a return visit sometime I think. We left for the return at about one o’clock, traversing mostly quiet lanes back to Shefford and Henlow, where we split up to go our separate ways. Another really good Tuesday run; we’ve been very lucky of late.
Adrian (and Alan )