Turned out to be nowhere as windy as forecast which was definitely a bonus. The nine that met at the fountain set off in two groups, with Paul, Alan and John taking a longer route via Ashwell and Dunton, the remaining five being me, Angie, John H, Kevin and Geoff H. We were joined at the pub by Anne, who drove out, Mick and Pete, Andy and Paul W. We were able to sit out in the newly built cabin at the back of the garden, though it did get a bit chilly…
The pub was clearly ready for us as all the meals arrived in good time, and excellent sandwiches they were too. After a pleasant hour we set off on the return, with (I think) Alan leading the main group back to LGC, and Paul, Mick, Pete, Andy and myself heading down to Hexton for a cuppa, before going our separate ways. A lovely Autumn day out. Adrian Winterbone.
Broom and the pub with no bar!