On a glorious if a bit chilly Autumn morning seven riders met in LGC for the ride originally intended to go to the cafe in Barkway, of which more later. The seven were myself, Alan, Stuart, Nige, Mia, Kevin and Jack. The route out via Wallington, Sandon, Buntingford and Wyddial was on quiet and largely traffic-free lanes, coupled with warm sunshine and little wind made for wonderful cycling.
On arrival at the cafe in Barkway we found Steve waiting for us, with the unfortunate news that they were only serving coffee, as they were on the point of closing down. We instead went on to The Silver Ball at Reed, fortunately on the route back and only a few minutes away. A basic but good value greasy spoon, well-run. On the return, Stuart and Steve headed back to LGC via the direct route with the rest going on to Odsey and Ashwell, where we went our separate ways. More Autumn days out like this would be most welcome… Adrian Winterbone.
Barkway and Reed with lunch at the Sliver Ball.