Here In lieu of Signpost, here are contributions from some of the ride groups.
Our ride groups are generally still starting independently, but on 2 November the A and Inter groups met by the clock tower in St Albans before heading out on their respective rides.

The Group A of the section is in good spirits and good form. Numbers have stabilised around the Ten to Twelve riders, depending on the weather.
The new system of giving responsibility for their ride to the ride leader has worked very well. This manifested itself recently when the leader discovered from a WhatsApp member that a pub we have used many times in the past was no longer open on Tuesdays. With that in mind, and keeping to the general area of that original place, he looked around and found another place that was open and booked that. No need to consult – just inform members that that is what he had done – simple!
Presently doing a straw poll to get preferences for starting venues with a view to occasionally meeting with other groups periodically and taking into account weather variations. This is ongoing and we will share the results when complete.

The Inters have had some lovely rides during the past quarter. Tony led a ride to the Lee Valley in mid-August – oh, those sunny days!

Our ride leaders show great knowledge of Hertfordshire, creating interesting new routes to familiar locations; thank you Julian for showing us a public path through Haileybury College en-route to the Goat Pub at Hertford Heath.

A real highlight of the last quarter was a ride with both On-Road and Off-Road routes from St Albans to Aldenham designed and led by Mark Harrison – this is a first for the Inters and the photo below shows the ‘off road warriors’ prior to the ride.

The Extra Mile group has been meeting regularly and enjoying some wonderful rides across the county over the autumn. We’ve benefited from some spectacular weather throughout September and October, and some weeks have seen group rides on both Thursday and Friday. We’ve lunched at Aldbury, Dunstable Downs, Brickenden, Hertford, Tewin and Mangrove Green, and drunk tea in any number of local cafes. We’ve had a couple of car/train rides; one from Stevenage to Buntingford, and one from Ashwell to Cambridge. Both blessed with sunshine and good company not only from our fellow riders but, as you can see in the photo, some local residents of Wimpole Hall came to join in [cue Rosemary’s photo]. With thanks to all our willing leaders who have put together well-thought-out routes each week. Participants are mostly from the Inter group, but have occasionally included some A riders and some new recruits from outside the 40+. As we head into winter, our rides are likely to get shorter and flex more around local weather conditions – but this just means we can spend longer in the pub at lunchtime and linger over afternoon tea!
Finally, life in the C Ride camp is thankfully continuing as sort of normal. As much as anything could be normal at the moment. We are still using an email system for advising of rides and riders booking in. We still like to get numbers as it helps the leader and pub. We are now eating indoors, but are choosing light and airy venues as against cosy pubs. We do have a number of our members who are not able to ride and this is sadly reducing our numbers. On a more positive note a lot more of our members are only there because of E bikes. I will finish on that positive note.