A bright and breezy morning had 14 meeting at the fountain, a very good turn-out, and we were able to run two groups, basically power-assisted and non-power assisted! Geoff P led Stuart, Steve L and John H, with my group (in two sub-groups of five, for safety etc.) consisting of Mia, Geoff H, Steve C, Andy E, John M, Kris, Nige, Alan and Jack (our powered rep!)

Like Tuesday, the ride out was very easy with a brisk tail-wind again, and we arrived at the café in very good time, even with the tour of Reed added in!After our exceedingly cheap meals we were back on the road by 12:30 which must be a first for us.

Various individuals went their separate ways at different points so my group was able to amalgamate for the last stretch from Sandon to LGC.

Almost forgot to mention the white deer that appeared out of a hedge right in front of us, near Sandon on the way out. I don’t know who was more startled!
The official distance was 31.5 miles at a little under 13 mph.
