So warm today I even set off from home in shorts! It can’t go on much longer, can it?
Alan, Angie, Steve C, John D and Richard joined me at the fountain, and we picked up Jack en route at Wymondley, and we made our way up hill and down dale, through what for me is very familiar territory through Harpenden.
The Engineers has greatly expanded its outdoor dining area since we were last there, and we had our pick of the tables.
Apparently we also had a table reserved for us indoors, but you have to make the most of the warm weather don’t you.
Paul from the Bedford group was waiting for us at the pub, so we were eight for lunch – Good food.
For the return I lead the group through East Common out to Ayers End, then found yet another road closure (they’re everywhere at present it seems) but we were able to get through by dismantling the barriers and traipsing through a pile of spoil!
Still, at least the road was traffic-free. On reaching Preston I left the others to head for home.
Official route distance was 36 miles, at about 10 mph (hilly!)
Adrian and Alan